Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Weirdo with the Beardo

Oh the Beard!

By: Kelly Richardson

They can be very big,
or they can be very small

You will see them on someone short,
or maybe someone tall.

They can be very full
and very soft I'm told

The young kiddos will sport them,
and even the very old

There is one thing though,
that is very true

Beards are not made
for people like me and you

They get in the way,
and look kind of creepy

Most serial killers have them
That's why they're so weepy

You can get lots of crumbs
tangled in that mess of hair

So maybe we should trim it,
or cut it do we dare!?!

So here the point,
to this kind of long rhyme

Clint you need to cut your beard,
It is most definitely time!!

To track the progress of the beard check out:

And to hear Megan's true opinion about the beard go to: