By: Megan
My friend Matt, good looking and tall,
The ladies dig it, that’s the reason I call.
The game of rugby is his sport,
It’s very manly, but the shorts are SHORT.
He’s from Kansas and loves K state,
They lost to Wisconsin and sealed their fate.
I wish he lived closer, so we could hang out,
But he prefers the snow, so for now I will pout.
How we met is a secret only we can tell,
No matter the price, the story I won’t sell.
Rocks at his window I was forced to throw,
He’s a great catch, like the fish at Bass Pro.
After he reads this, friends we may no longer be,
That’s a risk I’m willing to take, we soon shall see.
So I guess for now, that’s all I’ve got,
My friend Matt, did I mention he’s hot?