My friend Clint, he is no freak.
He's got skills, on air he speaks.
The movie Juno, I told him to view.
He finally replied, "If I have to."
My heart instantly became full of joy,
Until my mood he chose to destroy.
"The movie is lame, boring and weak."
I was crushed, no words could I speak.
"It put me to sleep" he said to me,
"the longest nap in history!"
Clint gave Juno 2 thumbs down,
But I say Juno still wears the crown!
Long live Juno, there will be no sorrow,
Even if it gets bashed on the radio tomorrow.
He better not or my wrath he will feel,
And Clint's fate I will be forced to seal.
Enough with the rhymes, you understand,
Megan rules, the coolest in the land.

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