Friday, February 15, 2008

A little taste of Beth Garrison

There are times in our lives when we really realize what kind of friends we have. Those friends that we can laugh and cry with. Those kind of friends that will laugh at us. These are the times when you really know you've found a true friend! So, here it is....a little taste of our friend Beth!

A little taste of Beth Garrison : By Kelly Richardson

Her name is so simple,
so light to the touch

Just four little letters
can bring so very much

We can't really describe it,
it's very hard you see

But this girls name,
brings happiness and glee!

When we see her in her suits,
all done up and cute

She always looks so perfect,
honestly it makes us want to puke!

Thats beside the point though,
my focus is this

Without her we'd be very sad
we would have no inner bliss!

She raises us up,
to heights we didn't know

Her wicked crazy basketball skills,
can put on quite a show!

So here is that name,
my mind it hasn't left

She is awesome she is beautiful,
Her name it is BETH!

This poem has been dedicated to our dear friend Beth. You see Beth's friendship means so much to us for many reasons, in fact I will go as far to say that it is 5 fold. Oh yes, not 3 or 4, but 5! These are the 5 "Beth is" statements:

1. Beth is blonde, who doesn't like a blonde! I mean seriously. That right there gives her 100 cool points because we're both's like she completes us. Oh yes, that blonde in the middle!

2. Beth is good at sports. I don't want to say that we are bias towards people that are good at sports, because that would be just plain snobby. However, it gives her another lets say...mmmmm 80 cool points.

3. Beth is liking pizza. Now lets be honest, Megan and I like pizza. Anyone that likes pizza is automatically going to be somewhat likeable! We might not want to take you to a theme park, but we'd eat pizza with you! Especially if you buy us the pizza. Anyways, the point here is that Beth likes pizza, so we like Beth! That's another 50 cool points.

4. Beth is really funny. You know that person that you know will be able to lift everyone's spirits....thats Beth. She's so funny in fact I would challenge that she could come make you laugh right now! Don't believe me...give her a call...her is her number - 417 - too- funy - didn't really think I was going to post her number did you? I mean lets think about that, why would I put my friends number on here for anyone to call? That would be just to silly! Then you would be her friend and take all her time, we don't want that! Just trust me she's funny. You might never find our personally, but you can have faith that we're being honest with you. There is another 20 cool points.

5. Finally Beth is a fan of Mexian Villa. Sure, you're wondering why is there two "Beth is" about food? Well here is my answer.....We like to eat. It's that simple. Another automatic 50 cool points!

So you see that is 300 cool points. You might notice there are 3 of us. Hmmmmmmm....get the connection! :)

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