Monday, November 23, 2009
Comeback Poem:
It's been a while,
but here we are
Our absence was long,
but we were never far.
So here are some words,
from us to you
We hope you enjoy them
cause they are very true.
We now like cider,
we drink it a lot
However never cold,
it must be hot!
We still like pizza,
don't eat it as much
We like to mix it up,
with nachos ans such.
We now have Mark,
that is really neat.
He's kinda mean sometimes,
and has stinky feet.
Beth is gone,
but still in our heart
Our friendship will be forever,
never to part!
(if you are under 17 don't read this next part)
Clint got the boot,
no longer in the four
Totally his loss,
that big nasty whore!
(okay censored part is over)
Hannah is here now
and Audrey as well
Steimel and Capner
our girlfriends are swell
Robb is the best,
when he's not in Alaska
When he's home for good,
it will be fantastica.
So that is the end,
of our comeback Hoorah
It's almost Christmas time
Fa la la la la la
We would like to thank all the people who have inspired us in our comeback poem. You see, inspiration comes from all faucets of life. You never know where your inspiration is going to derive from. So we feel exceptionally blessed that we have been so unbelievably, undeniably, and unconditionally inspired by some pretty amazing people. Pretty's amazing. Thank you! :)
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
A response from Tom (See previous post)
Said the boyfriend of Megan Bernardy,
"I think beards make a gentleman hardy,
And the fleas tucked inside,
That I take for a ride,
Are having a regular party."
You're Welcome,
Thanks A lot, Tom
This is my boyfriend
And this is his beard.
Some think it’s cool,
But I think it’s weird.
It makes him feel manly
Rugged and tough.
Against my face,
It’s just too rough.
Gillette, Mach 3,
Venus or Bic
I’ll hand deliver
his #1 pick.
But my opinion
He does not care
because Tom Trtan
likes facial hair.
Guest Poet...Chelsee "Baby Mama" Thiele
Hey sister sister
Clint is your mister
Put on your boots
Bring me some loot
Btw you are a pimpster
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
The Weirdo with the Beardo
By: Kelly Richardson
They can be very big,
or they can be very small
You will see them on someone short,
or maybe someone tall.
They can be very full
and very soft I'm told
The young kiddos will sport them,
and even the very old
There is one thing though,
that is very true
Beards are not made
for people like me and you
They get in the way,
and look kind of creepy
Most serial killers have them
That's why they're so weepy
You can get lots of crumbs
tangled in that mess of hair
So maybe we should trim it,
or cut it do we dare!?!
So here the point,
to this kind of long rhyme
Clint you need to cut your beard,
It is most definitely time!!

And to hear Megan's true opinion about the beard go to:
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Guest Poet: Hannah Brown
Lunch Time
By: Hannah Brown
Can you feel the excitement comin’ up just around the bend,
In just a few hours I’ll be havin’ lunch with my friends.
So consider this your reminder,
Don’t be a lunch date swipper,
12:15 down in the café,
We’ll all come together for a laugh!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Clint - a vessel indeed
Guest Poet: Clint Gerlek
The Man in the Middle
By: Clint Gerlek
So i've seen my name splattered all over this wall
By two gorgoeus women; so thin and so tall
But now i can feel i twinge in my heart
My presence may have torn these two friends apart
And although my position leaves me leathally caught
Bewilldered between these two beautiful spots
I can't help but think just how lucky i am
The center of attention for these TWO lovely fans.
Confusing? Yes I think so

Make Up Your Mind, Sisterrrrr
One day I’m nice and the other I’m not
Which one today , go figure, I forgot.
Of course I think I’m always a delight
Kell begs to differ, depends on the night.
But it’s OK, Kelly I will not blame,
For I mix it up, sometimes wild sometimes tame.
Nice or mean it doesn’t matter,
Friends till the end, skinny or fatter.
No matter the mood, the time, or the ditch,
Kelly loves me no matter what, angel or ________.
Getting Ditched by Megan

P.s. this picture is ridiculous! They look like they're taunting me! JERKS!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Clint Hates Juno = A Sad, Sad Day for Megan
My friend Clint, he is no freak.
He's got skills, on air he speaks.
The movie Juno, I told him to view.
He finally replied, "If I have to."
My heart instantly became full of joy,
Until my mood he chose to destroy.
"The movie is lame, boring and weak."
I was crushed, no words could I speak.
"It put me to sleep" he said to me,
"the longest nap in history!"
Clint gave Juno 2 thumbs down,
But I say Juno still wears the crown!
Long live Juno, there will be no sorrow,
Even if it gets bashed on the radio tomorrow.
He better not or my wrath he will feel,
And Clint's fate I will be forced to seal.
Enough with the rhymes, you understand,
Megan rules, the coolest in the land.

I love Juno, yes I do
I love Juno and so should you,
I love the humor, the charm, the wit.
My friends think I am obsessed with it.
So what if I am, watch it I will,
One thousand times to get my fill.
In conclusion Beth, Kelly, Damo and Robb,
Leave Juno and me alone, and shut your freakin’ gob!

A shot to myself esteem
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Megan's Friend Matt
Kelly, My Hero
Kelly, My Hero.
By: Megan Bernardy
There comes a time in everyone’s life,
When we come in contact with someone in strife.
When the innocent get rear ended by a random car,
We have to chase the offender, no matter how far.
For committing a hit and run is against the law,
That stupid girl, thought no one saw.
That crappy blue cavi you chased with all your might,
If only you would have caught her, that would have been a sight.
We were late for dinner and you could have ignored,
That’s not your style, so the gas petal we floored.
We did not catch her, for every light was red,
Lucky for her, or she would have been dead.
So to Kelly I commend for her efforts so great,
If you’re in trouble, don’t worry, it’s worth her being late.
Dirty Clothes
From: Kelly
Megan is my friend, even when when I have dirty clothes!
I have this friend named Megan,
And she is very nice and sweet
When we started our night on the town
I knew our time would not be beat!
I did point out to her as we walked out the door, That I had a minor stain
But my friend Megan said don't you dare worry, It won't be a big major pain
Then as we exited that wonderful place,
That we lovingly call MV
A horrifying sight appeared on my shirt, And it was obvious for all to see.
My friend Megan could've ditched me then, And said audios to you
But she looked and me carringly with those friendly eyes And said we'll make it through
Even though my shirt was dirty,
She stood by me in the movie line
She could've been embarrassed,
By that big big stain of mine.
But after that moment I was very sure
I most certainly did know
Megan will be my friend always and forever, Even when I have dirty clothes!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Guest Poet...Amy Szczepanik Tracy
My Megan is a poet it's true
Although I get easily distracted too
She writes about food that is yummy
and how to get a skinnier tummy
I can picture her laugh as I read
crazy megs is the girl that you need
One time we made prank phone calls from "Candy"
A few boys thought that was dandy
Those good old days at EU
if only we knew
That we'd have to be grown up one day
Hopefully, not soon, I pray!!

Thanks Amy! We la la love it and you!
Monday, February 18, 2008
Oh the fun there will be! - By Kelly
When I got online today.
From my dear friend Megan,
Now at my computer I will stay.
To think of the fun,
That is coming our way
The different things we can do,
On that very special day!
I'm sure there will be food,
There almost always will be.
Okay lets be honest,
Always for her and me!
You see we like food a lot,
There is nothing wrong with that,
We just keep eating strong,
And give eachother an encouraging pat!
We'll probably play scrabble,
Because that is really fun
Don't worry there will be food there too,
Maybe something we can put on a bun!
So here is the point,
I hope you can see,
When it comes to us haning out and food,
Oh the fun there will be!
Happy Monday!
My friend Kelly
By: Megan Bernardy
My friend Kelly, I love her stinkin’ guts,
I didn’t see her all weekend and that really sucks.
You may be thinking sucks doesn’t rhyme with guts,
But it’s my poem, so get the heck off my nuts.
Back to Kelly, she’s super smart and pretty,
Her personality shines, so bright and so witty.
When will we meet again? one can only hope,
The sooner the better, so no longer I will mope.
In conclusion, I don’t rhyme that well,
But this poems not about me, its about my friend Kel!
Friday, February 15, 2008
A little taste of Beth Garrison
A little taste of Beth Garrison : By Kelly Richardson
Her name is so simple,
so light to the touch
Just four little letters
can bring so very much
We can't really describe it,
it's very hard you see
But this girls name,
brings happiness and glee!
When we see her in her suits,
all done up and cute
She always looks so perfect,
honestly it makes us want to puke!
Thats beside the point though,
my focus is this
Without her we'd be very sad
we would have no inner bliss!
She raises us up,
to heights we didn't know
Her wicked crazy basketball skills,
can put on quite a show!
So here is that name,
my mind it hasn't left
She is awesome she is beautiful,
Her name it is BETH!
This poem has been dedicated to our dear friend Beth. You see Beth's friendship means so much to us for many reasons, in fact I will go as far to say that it is 5 fold. Oh yes, not 3 or 4, but 5! These are the 5 "Beth is" statements:
1. Beth is blonde, who doesn't like a blonde! I mean seriously. That right there gives her 100 cool points because we're both's like she completes us. Oh yes, that blonde in the middle!
2. Beth is good at sports. I don't want to say that we are bias towards people that are good at sports, because that would be just plain snobby. However, it gives her another lets say...mmmmm 80 cool points.
3. Beth is liking pizza. Now lets be honest, Megan and I like pizza. Anyone that likes pizza is automatically going to be somewhat likeable! We might not want to take you to a theme park, but we'd eat pizza with you! Especially if you buy us the pizza. Anyways, the point here is that Beth likes pizza, so we like Beth! That's another 50 cool points.
4. Beth is really funny. You know that person that you know will be able to lift everyone's spirits....thats Beth. She's so funny in fact I would challenge that she could come make you laugh right now! Don't believe me...give her a call...her is her number - 417 - too- funy - didn't really think I was going to post her number did you? I mean lets think about that, why would I put my friends number on here for anyone to call? That would be just to silly! Then you would be her friend and take all her time, we don't want that! Just trust me she's funny. You might never find our personally, but you can have faith that we're being honest with you. There is another 20 cool points.
5. Finally Beth is a fan of Mexian Villa. Sure, you're wondering why is there two "Beth is" about food? Well here is my answer.....We like to eat. It's that simple. Another automatic 50 cool points!
So you see that is 300 cool points. You might notice there are 3 of us. Hmmmmmmm....get the connection! :)
Beth Garrison
An Ode to Beth Garrison
By: Megan Bernardy
Beth is our friend and we love her dearly,
Every moment gets better, we see it so clearly.
Our world, without her, is gloomy and gray,
When she’s around, it’s a much better day.
Crusader ball takes up much of her time,
As little as we see her, it should be a crime.
We shouldn’t say it, but our mouths can’t deny
When season is over, our joy will make us fly!
As you can see, her company betters all she’s around,
We’re so lucky that Beth Garrison we found!
Where it all began....
Ode To Fruit Pizza
Today as I sit here, I can't help but remember a friend, and her love
for fruit pizza...and a promise that I made to honor that I
have compiled this short but complete "Ode to Fruit Pizza"
Oh Fruit Pizza, with your sugar cookie crust
How we want to eat you because we must.
A tsp. of vanilla can go a long long way,
to sweeten this pizza, yippie horray!
Oh cream cheese how delightful you are,
even though you won't be allowed in our diet, we know you won't be far.
Oh how much we love that 1/2 a cup of sugar so wonderful and sweet,
it makes the fruit pizza an awesome treat!
Fruit sliced up, in a wonderful row
This kind of healthy snack really puts on a show.
So this is my ode to Megan, for this yummy yummy snack
Once you've had fruit pizza, you'll never go back!
I would like to give up this poem to my friend Megan, and explain the
reasoning in 3 fold:
1. Megan loves fruit pizza, and I respect that. I think it's so
important to find something you love and stick to it. I know that she
will never turn her back on fruit pizza.
2. Megan has inpsired me to find a recipe for fruit pizza. As I read
through this recipe I couldn't help but wonder, why haven't I had fruit
pizza? Why haven't I experienced this greatness? The answer to this is
"I just don't know"...but I can now say that I will....someday have
fruit pizza.
3. As I get ready to put together a lovely program so that my friend
Megan and I can look Bad A for Christmas, I came accross a recipe for a
low fat fruit pizza....I couldn't help but feel like it was divinely
inspired...and put on my computer just for the endeavor that we're
getting ready to explore!
Skinny By Christmas
Skinny By Christmas
By: Megan Bernardy
Skinny by Christmas, it can be done.
Skinny by Christmas, we'll make it fun.
Skinny by Christmas, if done right,
Skinny by Christmas, we'll be one fine sight.
Skinny by Christmas, can't wait till we're done.
Skinny by Christmas, maybe Megan will find the one.
Skinny by Christmas, our bodies will be bangin'.
Skinny by Christmas, the bells will be clangin'.
Skinny by Christmas, it's our choice.
Skinny by Christmas, the angels will rejoice.
Skinny by Christmas, we'll do it together and it'll be sweet.
Skinny by Christmas, fruit pizza we'll eat.
Skinny by Christmas, all hands are "in."
Skinny by Christmas, a vessel of thin.
Skinny by Christmas, with help from above.
Skinny by Christmas, because Jesus I love.
Megan Sucks
I have this friend,
She normally is sweet
But lately I'm thinking
My feeling are getting beat!
She makes these great plans
To hang out with me,
Then she ditches me for pizza
Or Jordan and Rusty
Now the pizza I understand
You know I can't debate
A nice gooey pizza
Can always be on my plate!
But other than that,
I don't really see
Why my friend Megan
Doesn't want to see me?
But I press on through the day,
I try to stay strong
It can be very hard though,
These days are very long!
So I'll leave you with this,
It is very true,
If you won't come see me,
I guess I'll have to call my boo!!!
We ARE Still Friends...
I hope she knows how often of her I think, Our humor is always on target, in line, in sync.
I miss her more than I knew I could,
I think she's going to the game on Friday, If not, she should.
My dear friend Kelly is so talented and sweet, Her poetry rocks my world, it's always a treat.
To sum all of this up, may I just come out and say, please forgive me Kelly for letting our friendship go astray.
I'll make it up to you, some day some how, Just know my heart is aching, this very moment, right now.
A gift you are to me, without it I would be in danger, Just like the baby Jesus presented to the world, asleep in the manger.
So thank you for always bringing me such cheer, Please have a merry Christmas and a happy new year!
I Once Had a Friend...
She was very tall and very sweet
She could do all sorts of really cool things, The kind of girl you'd like to meet.
But then one day my friend disappeared, It was so bewildering to the sight
It made me a very sad girl,
Made it hard to sleep at night.
Sometimes I wonder what happened to my friend, What different road she might have chose,
I think about the fun memories,
and different colored pantyhose.
It's hard to forget all the wonderful things, That brought our friends together.
The different color of her neck,
And her perfect chin of leather.
The way we'd watch basketball girls prance, And moved their arms weirdly as they ran down the court in and out of socket
I'll never forget the way she laughed
when I explained the yucky man with his hand in the big girls pocket.
These are the memories that get me through, even though I don't see her a lot.
I try to get through the day one step at a time, Will this pain go away, I'm beginning to think not.
So this poem is dedicated to my friend Megan, I hope it's something she'll like
Even if she doesn't want to see me any more.
......... I'm just to depressed to come up with another rhyme sorry :(
To my dear friend Megan:
There are times in our life, when we need some support
Through good memories and bad, for tall people and short.
Through pants and skirts and everything in between,
This support that I talk about is not just a dream.
This support comes in all colors and sizes to fit your taste,
With long see through material, and a strong sturdy waste.
The browns, the blacks, and even the tope,
With this support comes a new found hope.
Now understand that this support doesn't have to finish up high,
It can finish right under the calf, and this isn't a lie!
Now there is an extreme support, that comes in the shade of pink,
Only those who dare this support will get many a wink.
You see it's not just the support that you get on the leg,
It's the mental support that the boys will give Meg.
So put on your support with pride, and strike a big pose.....
You know it'll be a good day when Megan puts on her panyhose!
Dirty, Sticky Jeans
The deep blue color,
of my fitted lovely jean
Was dimmed by the grossness,
of sticky icky ice cream
It was terrible and sick,
It was very hard to bare
As I sat at the basketball game
With a sadned deep stare.
How could this happen,
Would the stain come out?
How would I go on
I started to pout.
As I thought of the people,
That would most definitely stare
At my skanky dirty jeans,
And there noticable wear and tear.
I couldn't help but think back,
To the times of the past
When I used to wear clean jeans
And I used to run fast.
I know that running fast,
Doesn't really fit this story
I had to throw it in though,
In all its greatness and glory
But back to the jeans,
That were most definitely sticky,
Would they ever be clean again,
Would they ever not be icky?
I thought of my washing machine
And what I could do.
Then I remembered I don't every do laundry, This is very sad but very very true!
Then I remembered I had a friend,
Her friendship isn't fickle or tricky
Thank you my friend Megan,
For loving me even when my jeans are sticky!